Design Inspiration
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Rentoo - Design Inspiration for Landing Page
"This design was created by Eric Angelo in collaboration with Plainthing Studio, it was created using the Figma application.
Codeic - Dashboard Inspiration for Code Writing
"This design was created by Eric Angelo in collaboration with Plainthing Studio, it was created using the Figma application.
Degraph - Dashboard Inspiratioin for Social Media Analytics
"This design was created by Muhammad Aghassi Zulfikar in collaboration with Plainthing Studio, it was created using the Figma application.
Menhel - Design Inspiration for Landing Page
"This design was created by Muhammad Aghassi Zulfikar in collaboration with Plainthing Studio, it was created using the Figma application.
Transfee - Mobile Apps Design for Money Transfer
"This design was created by Muhammad Aghassi Zulfikar in collaboration with Plainthing Studio, it was created using the Figma application.
Page Analytics Dashboard for Mobile Version
"This design was created by Eric Angelo in collaboration with Plainthing Studio, it was created using the Figma application.
Made in Typedream